Unreal Plugin

Unreal Plugin

In this guide we'll set up the Unreal plugin for LONET.

Before getting started, you should install the LONET server software and connect your encoder, and read the documentation for both of them.


The latest version of the LONET Unreal plugin can be found Here Make a "Plugins" folder in the directory of your Unreal project, and copy the plugin folder into that directory. Your folder tree should look like:

[project folder]/Plugins/LONET2LiveLink"

You will need to be able to view Plugin content in order to access the LONET actors. If you do not see this, click View Options in the bottom right of the content browser, and check Show Plugin Content.

You will need to enable the Camera Calibration plugin as well.

LiveLink support works well for in-editor workflows, and when data needs to be synchronized across multiple nodes, such as in nDisplay setups.

Once the plugin is installed, go to Window->Live Link and add a LONET 2 source. The default multicast IP and port will work for the majority of configurations, but additional unicast endpoints can be added in LONET. livelinkcams

Each LONET camera will come in as a seperate source. To use, add a Live Link Controller component to a cine camera. Select the source. In the "Settings>Update Flags" menu of the controller, uncheck the parameters that you're not sending so that you can set them manually.
