Installation and Activation

CineLink requires a software key to operate, and there are some considerations when installing the plugin. Follow these instructions to ensure a smooth experience!


CineLink is by default installed as an editor plugin. If installing manually, your filepath should look like this:

[UE Install Dir]/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/CineLink

You can also install it as an project plugin, but you will need to update the TurboActivate.dat path in the CineLink project settings.


Without a key, CineLink will enter a hardware locked 30-day trial mode. It is fully functional during this period, but you will be required to enter a key when it is over. Subscriptions can be purchased on our website.

Companies wishing to add more activations to a single key, or extend their renewal past one month can contact

Keys can be entered at Project Settings>Plugin Settings>Cine Link Settings. Click the + button, and on the left add the hostname of the computer you want to associate with the key, and on the right paste the key itself.

Search "View your PC Name" in Windows to get your hostname

For most projects, you will have two computers here--one for an editor machine, and one for your nDisplay master node. Only the master nDisplay node needs a valid license!


Please note there are limits on how many clients can connect to a camera at once--for example, Arri only allows 4 clients. Be mindful of this when adding keys for editor machines.


To deactivate a machine, click "Deactivate on next launch" in the project settings. Do not manually delete the key! The machine will be deactivated and automatically remove the key the next time Unreal is launched.


Search "cinelink" in the Unreal log to see the status of the plugin and spot any issues


License key local location

In emergency situations, or if licensing behavior has become unexpected, it may become necessary to change or delete the plugins local copy of the CineLink key. As of version 1.2, that a local copy is kept in the Unreal engine install folder as well as the project.

The project level key is kept in [Project Dir]/Saved/Config/WindowsEditor/CineLinkEditor.ini The engine level key is kept in [UE Instal Dir]/Engine/Config/CineLink.ini

The project level ini file is automatically updated when the user enters a new key, or deactivated CineLink. This is so these changes will be propagated to remote nodes in a multi-system cluster. When a key is entered or updated, it is automatically stored in the Engine level ini file.

If a new project is created that does not contain a CineLinkEditor.ini file because the key has not been entered yet, CineLink will automatically copy the correct keys from the engine ini to the project ini, populating the preferences panel automatically.