Converting to LONET/OSC for Aximmetry/Stage Precision/Disguise etc

Update 1.2 adds a new node to convert LiveLink camera data to LONET2 UDP data. This allows CineLink to be compatible with external tools by using Unreal to do the data conversion, with no external software required.

Converting to LONET2

The LONET2 protocol is simple, open source, and supported by tools like Aximmetry, Stage Precision, and Pixera.

  1. Create a new Blueprint, must be derived from Actor
  2. In the BP, add a LiveLinkComponentController. Click this component, and in the inspector on the bottom right, click the "OnLiveLinkUpdated" event. This allows us to parse data in editor when LiveLink updates
  3. Add a CineLinkDataTranslator component
  4. Add the following blueprint nodes:

  1. Drag this actor into your scene

Notes for Aximmetry

The LONET2 conversion node makes CineLink compatible with Aximmetry in the sense that Unreal itself can perform a data conversion without the need for external software. However, you will need to modify your level blueprint to add your LiveLinkPreset (

Converting to OSC

You can perform this same basic process by combining Unreal's OSC plugin and CineLinks additional data method. which will make it widely compatible with other systems like Disguise.

As long as the actor is in your scene, and is updating OnLiveLink updated, you can essentially use Unreal itself as a tool to send and convert the camera data into any format you want.